Stepping back.....

Too frequently conflict with others or within ourselves comes from being too close, too involved, in a situation or event. 'Stepping back' from the situation can often reveal aspects not otherwise considered or seen.

Location: Tennessee, United States

An ear for all my friends who don't have any.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Throw more money! Throw more money!

By Andy Sullivan, REUTERS
Tue May 2, 6:45 PM ET $100 gas rebate "insulting,"
Boehner says

"Senate Republicans proposed the $100 rebate last week
in a package that also included incentives to build
refineries and open up the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge for drilling."

Prompts An Open letter to the United States Senate

To Whom It May, or May Not, Concern:

Republican Ladies-Gentlemen. Seeing the above quoted
paragraph in the news article seems to provide one
explanation of how our country 'just happens' to be
where it is rather than where it needs to be.

The Republican Senators' proposals (above) demonstrates
a definite lack of knowledge of figures that are in the
public domain and readily available and shows beyond a
shadow of a doubt that the opening of the Artic National
Wildlife Refuge is a case of overkill. It also
demonstrates our Congresses' penchant for throwing money,
in some form or another, at all problems, with as little
thought involved as possible.

The proposal of incentives for building more refineries
is, at best, stomach wrenching. They are willing to do
this for the mega-giant corporations (God only knows,
they need it! Right?).
[You do see how this works, don't you? They take away
a tax break here and a tax break there and then give
it back via "incentives" (aka, tax breaks) in another
Yet, for many struggling Mom & Pop businesses, a bank,
their only option, would rather put them through thirty
degrees of mirrors and geek speak or see them eat dirt
rather than let go of any of their monetary reserves.

Perhaps Mom & Pop should take a little trip to Washington.

If the profit being made on the oil that they process
is not enough for the oil companies to see the value
in spending their own money to build additional refineries,
it isn't the people's responsibility to help them out.
They are certainly not helping us out.
Besides, at this point in time, according to the EIA
website, the refineries cannot process all of the oil
that arrives at their doors each day anyway, even
just the USA oil. That being the case, what is the point
of pumping more oil out of the Artic National Wildlife
Refuge just to dump it at the doors of the refineries
and let it sit there while foreign oil gets processed?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with your more. We have a knucklehead administration, and two more years under their "be afraid, be afraid" tactics will bring this country to it's knees. The wolves are waiting for us just around yonder tree.

8:29 AM  

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