Stepping back.....

Too frequently conflict with others or within ourselves comes from being too close, too involved, in a situation or event. 'Stepping back' from the situation can often reveal aspects not otherwise considered or seen.

Location: Tennessee, United States

An ear for all my friends who don't have any.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Mitt Romney or Fred Thompson?

There's an old saying that 'if you give a man
enough rope, he will hang himself.'

But then, that's the name of the game of running
for President. You have to say something even
if it's the wrong thing. You can always correct
it later on in the day.

An AP story by David Bauder today has Mitt Romney
criticizing an ABC story about the CIA doing its
job of manipulating intelligence. For the CIA to
just sit on its hands during the war would probably
also draw criticism from Romney.
Still, its because ABC has made public what can
be read in hundreds of books about the nature of
the CIA that he takes issue with. H-m-m-m-m-m.

The CIA is trying to affect Iran through propaganda
broadcasts, newspaper articles that may be misleading
and possibly playing around with their bank transactions
and their currency. OK. And during wartime, we expect
the job of the Central Iintelligence Agency to be .....
what, exactly?

You see, the problem is, Mitt Romney is another war
candidate that doesn't grasp exactly how war can
also endangers lives. It doesn't connect in his world.
War is an abstract term that 'happens there,' not
here, not in this household, not at this funeral
home, not at this gravesite, not to this family,
this brother, this son, this daughter. It's an
event that can he can focus on whenever there is
nothing else to do in his busy schedule of running,
running, running for office.

For Mitt Romney, it is the media who has the
responsibility to police itself, not America.

For Mitt Romney, public reports of CIA doings in
foreign countries jeopardizes national security,
invading a foreign country and promoting a civil
war doesn't.

For Mitt Romney, public reports of CIA doings in
foreign countrys endangers lives, war doesn't.

Is this really Mitt Romney or that other guy who
can't decide which theater it is he wants to star in?


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