Stepping back.....

Too frequently conflict with others or within ourselves comes from being too close, too involved, in a situation or event. 'Stepping back' from the situation can often reveal aspects not otherwise considered or seen.

Location: Tennessee, United States

An ear for all my friends who don't have any.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Fred Thompson.........again?

Fred Thompson, the visually venerable statesman who dabbles in
politics but isn't sure if this is exactly what he wants to do,
is b-a-a-a-c-k.

Having once tasted the power of politics, Mr. Thompson has now
decided once again that this may be his time in the sun on the
'real' stage of the bigger world. Perhaps Mr. Thompson now
believes he has something different to offer...this time around
...rather than just trying it on for size and then accepting a
better offer from a different theater.

And therein lies the "who" of the "what" that Mr. Thompson is

As before, when Mr. Thompson's Senatorial campaign promised
much to his constituents and got him elected, Mr. Thompson
probably believes that no one remembers those promises on which,
once in office, he backtracked and did his particular brand
of 'flip-flopping.' Some do.

As Mr. Thompson can't seem to make up his mind about whether
politics is his best suit or whether acting is the better road
to fame and may be his best suit, it is considered by this person,
who voted for him once, that Mr. Thompson will also run the
country pretty much the same way,
"Well, we might should do this.
"On the other hand, maybe we should do this.
"Let's try this and if it doesn't work we can
always do it the other way."

Ahhh, the luxury of observing from a distance.


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