Stepping back.....

Too frequently conflict with others or within ourselves comes from being too close, too involved, in a situation or event. 'Stepping back' from the situation can often reveal aspects not otherwise considered or seen.

Location: Tennessee, United States

An ear for all my friends who don't have any.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


It permeates everything now, doesn't it?
Really lonely people who have nothing better
to do than clog and block the things that
others create.

I'm fairly new to blogs but by allowing anyone
to post a response to whatever I write, I am
also allowing others to post their spam,
the excrement of mankind. Do these people really
think that they are going to get rich by pushing
advertising that clogs blogs?
If they got an ordinary job, one they would enjoy
doing, they wouldn't have to depend on spamertizers
to pay them a paltry stipend for their next beer
or little white rock.

The following is supposedly a 'comment' on one of
my recent posts:

"Behjat said...
Splogs clog blogosphere
Spammers are spewing their wares across the blogosphere, that part of the Internet where millions ... The readership of blogs has exploded in the last 18 months," and with it the popularity of splogs, said Jason Goldman, product manager for Blogger, which is owned by Google Inc.
Find out how to buy and sell anything, like things related to how to repair a road bicycle on interest free credit and pay back whenever you want! Exchange FREE ads on any topic, like how to repair a road bicycle!"

Ha, ha. This is a 'comment?'
Sorry, but this is a very bad case of the "see me's."
You people really need to get a life... of your own,
and stop being leeches on other people.

If you are pushing your blog into or onto someone else's blog,
it must be because people aren't visiting your blog, or at least
as frequently as you think they should, or not responding with
comments like you think they should, or ................

Actually, they are. If you aren't getting the comments you
would like, it may be time to reconsider what you are posting,
what your purpose is, is a blog the way to go with what you
are trying to accomplish? MACY'S didn't get as big as it is
with indiscriminate jabs in prospective customers faces. EXXON
didn't become the giant it is by forcing themselves on people.
Again, it may be time to re-think your goals. But then, maybe
you don't have goals, maybe you are being blinded by the prospect
of gold rather than goals. If gold/money is your goal, then
you are hopelessly tied to it, it is your master, you are
not your own master.


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