Stepping back.....

Too frequently conflict with others or within ourselves comes from being too close, too involved, in a situation or event. 'Stepping back' from the situation can often reveal aspects not otherwise considered or seen.

Location: Tennessee, United States

An ear for all my friends who don't have any.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Blog Surfing to the next Dead End.

After posting a thought to my blog through Google,
I usually 'back' my way to where I started.
Sometimes I get to that page that shows the
scrolling titles and a 'blog of note.'
I click on an interesting title, the new page
appears, I read what I want, and then click on
the "NEXT BLOG" button in the upper right
corner. I may do this several times.

Then, as you may have experienced, I get to that
blog that is, essentially, a 'dead end.' The
"NEXT BLOG" button is gone. At that point, I
sometimes back up to the last blog and hit the
"NEXT BLOG" button again. This is tiring.

What I don't understand is why are these Dead End
blogs included in a blog search that implies a
continuous search with the button in the upper
right corner?

I understand the connection, but if that blog site
is going to be included in a 'chainlike' feature,
shouldn't it have a "NEXT BLOG" button?
It breaks the chain. Generally, that is where
I pull out of reading blogs and go back to my
bookmarks or general searches of websites, etc.,
but no more blogs that day.

Is this a good way to promote blogs?


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