Stepping back.....

Too frequently conflict with others or within ourselves comes from being too close, too involved, in a situation or event. 'Stepping back' from the situation can often reveal aspects not otherwise considered or seen.

Location: Tennessee, United States

An ear for all my friends who don't have any.

Friday, February 03, 2006

'Just say NO' to Mr. Bush

Mr. Bush's budget reminds me of a crack addict. Keep asking
for MORE, MORE, MORE! Got to have that fix! Everything else
is of no consequence.

Promise, promise promise. But this is not money that will be
paid back. But where is it coming from? This is money that
is coming out of citizens pockets, every single day and is
going into the pockets of military manufacturers, weapons,
rockets, munitions. Money you will never see again. This
war budget is what you are working for, in your jobs, in
your offices, at your desk, on the ladder, in the ditch.
It's not an investment in Americas future, the sciences,
health, peace, a prosperous world for all of us, etc.
This is your money at work for killing someone you don't
even know and won't even make an effort to know. You let
bush tell you what you need to know and no more. Is that
how you learn about your neighbors, your friends?

But it's your money. YOUR MONEY! Is this really the way
you want your money spent? To Kill?

And where is the money for a decent breakfast for a
homeless person? The poor and elderly? But we're
christians, aren't we? Aren't we? Really? How can you tell?
And the christians keep silent, just like they did in the
20's, 30's and 40's. I guess christians love war too.
Kill, kill, kill for Jesus. My way or no way. I'm right
even when I'm wrong because I'm the King. I am Jerusalem!
I am the President!

This is for Mr. Bush's aggrandizement and bush's friends.
Leader of the FREE world? FREE? FREE? Only to mr. bush.

Where are the voices of dissent? Where are the citizens who
are paying for this? Do you really approve of war. And we
let the media convince us that Goldwater was a war-monger!
Whooo! whooo!
He was a wuss compared to bush. Has bush donned his
blue turban yet? Just how far into hell will Americans
let him lead us before we wake up and realize it's too late?

When is enough, enough? Just say NO to Bush!


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