Stepping back.....

Too frequently conflict with others or within ourselves comes from being too close, too involved, in a situation or event. 'Stepping back' from the situation can often reveal aspects not otherwise considered or seen.

Location: Tennessee, United States

An ear for all my friends who don't have any.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Antonio Banderas and Emma Thompson's movie

I have just finished watching their movie "Imagining Argentina."
A sad but honest commentary on just how cruel man can be to his
fellow man. A little bit of power goes a long way.

This movie is about the dictatorship of Argentina back during
the 1970's-1980's. I remember the mother's marching in the
square. Either I read about it or saw it on television, but
it was real. It happened.

The chill that this movie gave to me was that the Gestapo was
the model for these who were in power in Argentina. The
hangers-on who were enjoying the favor of those in power just
looked the other way, pretended not to notice or that whatever
was going on didn't have anything to do with them. The world
at large seemed to see nothing either. Again.


I don't know what the experiment is that the 'world civilization'
is trying but it seems pretty harsh. Has the "ME" generation
finally reached an age where they have taken over the leadership
of the worlds governments? Because it certainly appears to be
reflected in the leadership of this country.

I also wonder, since I don't thoroughly understand the connection,
what the peoples ringing the Gulf of Mexico are so angry about. Is
something going on in that ring that we are not getting from the
media? It takes a lot of 'energy' to create the weather havoc that
we are witnessing in that area. What kind of 'energy of the people'
is being expressed in the weather there?

And are we going to let the people stranded by the earthquake
and weather in Pakistan to just.... freeze to death? Is that their
lot in life, to show the world just how uncaring it is, once again?

We can instantly spend billions of dollars on up-to-the-minute
military weapons and whatever is needed to get those weapons to
the war scene, because someone or some country "may" be a threat
to our way of life, but we bitch and bicker while considering how
to spend money that will improve that way of life.

For some strange reason, the United States loves to contradict
itself. You would think that its very survival depended on those

A President in the U.S. can only serve two terms in office. Why?

Yet the people who can create more waste, who can pillage the
states and consequently a bigger area, who can enmasse make bigger
and better mistakes are allowed to remain in office for a life time.
These people of power can carry over their 'status-quo' from one
President to the next, to the next, to the next, and we pretend
that it is the President who retains all the power to run the country.

If you ever want change, substantial change in this country, if you
ever want new ideas, fresh ideas, current ideas to be considered in
this country, you are going to have to also place a limit how long
the power holders have to come up with those ideas. A man/woman who
figures they have a comfortable 20 or 30 or 50 year time span in
office to really solve this countrys problems is not going to put
their best ideas on the table tomorrow morning. They spend their
first term learning the ropes. The second term is spent trying to
get on some committee or other. The third term sees an occasional
blurb in a newspaper. The fourth term is the 'acceptance' term
whereby they become "one of boys" and more publicity. The fifth
term begins to show a few signs of 'leadership' in getting a bill
to the floor, finally. The sixth term is the "I'm accepted
(entrenched) now" term and you can begin to see the results of
the 'cronyism' that lines their pockets, their homes, their jaunts,
their parties, their inside information (aka investments, probably
in other states)
With all of that to look forward to, you will not get their best
today or tomorrow, its way too early in the game.
It just ain't gonna happen!


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